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Meet Elton Vargas

Since I was 17 years old, I've been desperately looking for my purpose, why was I born? Why did "I" win the race? For 6 years I was aggressively searching within myself for my purpose. Why this time, why this form, why this planet, why this life? Why? Throughout those years of searching I finally found my why, but I also found a deeper inner me. I learned that my answer was already in front of me. I learned my passion has been and will forever be to help people become an ANOMALY and take control of their lives in another level, a non-imaginal level - no matter how successful or unsuccessful they already are - in the areas that matter most: their mindset, their health, their personal life, their careers, their desires, their business, and finance.

Born in a Second World Country, Elton Vargas is molding himself into a leader with outstanding charisma. This words can’t, even just 1%, showcase his unique life experiences and long journey. Just at 23 years old, he has built and adapted three strong suits, being, his ability to be passionate, tough, and show great inner strength. He is willing to take high risks to accomplish goals larger than life.


Elton has a very inventive and entrepreneurial mindset. While being intuitive and curious, he remains level-headed and practices solution-based thinking. He is very team-oriented. His intentions are always to give leverage and assist others. 

Elton Vargas respects gradual slow growth and the want to progress. He doesn’t not like limitations or sticking to the norm. Elton believes failure and repetition are key steps along the path to fruition. He urges others to step out of their comfort zone and open their minds to change.

Specialties: The psychology of peak performance, rewired mindset, re-invention, leadership, negotiations, soul grit, and classic hustle mode.

Entrepreneurism and business strategies.

Strategic advisor.



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